What is that font?

If you’re like me, you may be browsing the internet and come across a cool blog or website that uses a font other than the standard Helvetica or Arial. If it’s not a commonly used font it can be hard to determine what typeface it is. If you’re like me, and you haven’t memorized every font known to man, you want an easy way to identify all the fonts may come across on the internet.

Here’s where Fount comes in. It’s a bookmarklet (you drag the tool to your bookmarks toolbar, then click it when you want to use it). It tells you not only the font name in use, but also the weight and style. When you’re done using it, you simply click it again and it turns off.


Here’s an example of what it looks like when you use it.

fount screenshot

Screenshot fron Fount’s website.


Websites You Ought to Know (2) – Typedia

For all those who share my love of great typography or those who are just interested in learning all there is to know about fonts, http://www.typedia.com is a great website to check out. Typedia is “a resource to classify, categorize, and connect typefaces.”

You can search for type faces by style, name, designer, and more. The site also has forums, blogs and more. It’s your one-stop shop for learning about typography.

For those who are interested in learning about the different parts that make up a font, I’m including a link to a graphic I made last year that shows just that. Enjoy!
